Places That We Know


Bessie Dunlop The Witch o Dalry

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    1. Introduction
    2. Act 1 Scene 1
    3. Act 1 Scene 2
    4. Act 1 Scene 3
    5. Act 1 Scene 4
    6. Act 1 Scene 5
    7. Act 1 Scene 6
    8. Act 1 Scene 7
    9. Act 1 Scene 8
    10. Act 1 Scene 9
    11. Act 1 Scene 10
    12. Act 1 Scene 11
    13. Ending

Added by: Bypass ART

22 Mar. 2023

Published under copyright - John Hodgart, Capall Dorcha Ltd 2023

Based on the historical record of Bessie Dunlop’s ‘confession’ to witchcraft in sixteenth-century Scotland, Bessie Dunlop, the Witch o Dalry is a three-act play for schools suitable for BGE and S3–S4 students.  Written by local playwright John Hodgart.  In 2022 the community of Dalry came together to record the audio theatre production of the play for you to listen to.  As well as a walking tour of Dalry to accompany this production.  Further Information can be found at
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